ISEC Collaboration in Kerala, India
One of Spring Of 20's team member, Hawazin Khaleel collaborated with Dr. Pete's ISEC research team and one of the project groups ( https://gcastr09.wixsite.com/calpolyisec )* at PSC 392 Appropriate Technology Classes in April 2020, who helped her to build an ISEC at her place, with raw materials sourced locally. The experience was worth more than a billion dollar deal, the most important lesson learned was - "ITS OKAY TO FAIL AND YOU HAVE TO CELEBRATE IT" .
* Big thanks to Caroline,Gabby,Colton,Alex,Liam and Dr. Pete
Team Spring Of '20 is moving forward with the plan of dissemination of locally produced ISECs in Kerala, aiming at first level distribution within 5 mile radius from production centre.
Complete project proposal will be uploaded soon....
The team is waiting for funding from Dr. Pete's research team (after successful acceptance of proposal)/ donations / fund raising events to disseminate ISECs for needed community and hence improving their quality of life.
Also Our Manufacturing team is building ISEC as and when customer requests. Please see below
Click below to know the manufacturing team.